Ida Mae GanterEvaluation of memory lossMemory Loss
Mary GathingEvaluation of headachesHeadache
Glenn GoodreauEvaluation of muscle and joint pain, headaches, and fatigueJoint Pain
Neil GuilloryPain and swelling in lower abdomenAbdominal Pain
Katie HansonBreathing difficultyDyspnea
Anthony HodgesEvaluation of bruising and blood in mouthBruising
Miriam LevyPresents with pain in wrists and joints; also, feels fatiguedExtemity Pain
Seth MarcusBeing seen for evaluation of behavior problemBehavioral Health
Betsy MartinFever and sore throatFever
Michael McCluskeyEvaluation of fever and fussinessFever
Kim MerrickPresents with abdominal painAbdominal Pain
Rebecca Montoya.Progressive weaknessAtaxia